we will screen films commemorating the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Memorial, as well as linking this history to the current struggle in Bangladesh against ongoing deadly sweatshop conditions for garment workers. Two new films, Tears in the Fabric and Tangled Thread will be shown , as well as two new shorts from Pakistan about women fighting to organize in the accessory industry.
Tangled Threads - 11 minutes - about how models who sell the clothes decided to go to Bangladesh and build solidarity and support with the women and union that makes the clothing.
Tears in the Fabric is a multi-platform resource bringing together eyewitness testimonials, video, photography, journalism and campaign information surrounding the Rana Plaza factory collapse of 2013, as well as other materials relating to the international garments industry.
Rise of the Oppressed - 15 minutes - is a striking realistic portrayal of the life and struggle of the power-loom workers of Faisalabad which takes us into their dark and dusky lives. Produced by a non-government labour organisation, Labor Education Foundation, it reflects the miseries, oppression and exploitation of the working class while it also celebrates their hopes and struggle for a society free of exploitation
Lahore Bangle Makers Organize to Fight Back. 12 minutes - Brand new short on the courageous women who make the glass bangles we see all over NYC for sale. They cannot afford their own creations and have fought hard to organize into a union to improve their lives.