Healing Across the Divides & Fit for Life
Two short films and presentation from this foundation, that reaches out to marginalized working people on both sides of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict to help increase the delivery of health and wellness services to these underserved populations. A fascinating look at how cooperation on key issues by workers might pave a path of understanding, critical for the future of peace in the Middle East. 15 minutes http://www.healingdivides.org
Presented by Norbert Goldfield, M.D, Founder and Executive Director of Healing Across the Divides
Through the Eye of the Needle The Art of Esther Nisenthal Krinitz
A Holocaust survivor's remembrances in uniquely beautiful stitched images and vivid accounts bring an uplifting story to the screen. Esther Nisenthal was 15 in October of 1942 when the Jews of her village in Poland were ordered by Nazis to report to a nearby train station. Esther’s story of survival is extraordinary and her method of storytelling unique: stitching and embroidering. It comes to us in a series of 36 large fabric collages, intricately embroidered in vivid color, created more than 40 years after the war. The film explores the capacity of the human heart to heal and for a regular working person to produce art that reminds us that genocide and acts of baseless hatred are still with us. Esther’s story, and those like hers, compel us to build a just and peaceful world for all. This extraordinary film has been screened at nearly two dozen film festivals, across the country and abroad, and won several festival audience choice awards and a professionally-juried CINE Golden Eagle award. In April 2012, the film had its television premiere on Maryland Public Television, reaching more than 12,000 viewers. 32 minutes
New York Stories: The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
This major segment from Producer/Director Ric Burns’ wonderful New York Stories, focuses in on the tragedy at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory over 104 years ago and how the tragedy sparked massive labor unrest, organizing, demonstrations and ultimately brought the foundation of today’s occupational health and safety laws. 70 minutes
103rd Triangle Fire Memorial at the site of the fire in NYC