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Program 4: Labor Struggles in Iraq, Afghanistan & Pakistan

  • Cinema Village 22 E 12th st New York, NY 10003 Unites States of America (map)

Meeting Face to Face; The Iraq-U.S. Labor Solidarity Tour

This documentary breaks through the media walls that keep Iraqi and labor voices out of the debate about the war in the United States. Meeting Face to Face follows six senior Iraqi labor leaders as they tour 25 U.S. cities speaking to union audiences, university forums, and community gatherings. We also see American working people bringing new energy and commitment to the movement for peace, social justice, and a humane foreign policy. 27 minutes

Iraqi Workers After The War 

For Iraqis the war the U.S. waged there continues with harsh effects, even though for most Americans that war is over and done with.  This short video gives voice to Iraqi workers and union leaders – men and women - as they explain the repression they face, the efforts they are making to secure a new labor law that allows Iraqi workers to form unions, and their call for international labor solidarity. Basra in October 2012. 6 minutes

10 Years On: Afghanistan & Pakistan

This tightly focused documentary shows how after a decade of war, US attacks have spread the conflict across the border into Pakistan. This policy has contributed to many civilian deaths and deteriorating economic conditions. Pakistan is now a country increasingly dominated by corruption and violence, leaving workers and peasants to fight back with militant strikes and protests throughout the country. Afghans take to the streets to protest U.S occupation and the repression of women. On both sides of the border, their movements echo the same demands for economic and social justice heard from OWS here at home. 35 minutes

Q & A w/directors Kathleen Foster,  Michael Zweig &  Regional Expert, Fatima Mojaddedi

afghanistan,pak ten years on